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Heart Palpitations with Menopause: Things to Know

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Johannah Gregg
Medically Reviewed byJohannah GreggDNP FNP-C

Every woman navigates the course of menopause uniquely, as the transition can bring about a range of various symptoms and experiences. One of the common symptoms women experience during this transitional phase is heart palpitations, which can lead to increased concerns about heart health. 

Heart palpitations during menopause are typically harmless, but it's crucial to understand why they occur and how they're connected to the hormonal changes women undergo during this stage of life. This article will shed light on the connection between menopause and heart palpitations and offer guidance on managing these symptoms and preserving heart health during menopause.

What is the menopause transition?

This natural biological process usually begins with perimenopause in the late 30s or early 40s, signaling the transition toward the end of menstrual cycles and fertility

Menopause itself technically occurs once a woman hasn't had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months - on average at approximately age 50 or 51. However, perimenopause can last for several years leading up to that. 

During perimenopause, the ovaries' production of two primary female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, fluctuates and eventually decreases significantly. These hormonal changes can bring about various symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and even heart palpitations.

Postmenopause refers to the years following menopause. Despite the cessation of periods, the effects of lower estrogen and progesterone levels continue during this phase and can have substantial impacts on a woman's health, including changes in heart health and an increased risk of heart disease.

Heart Health and Menopause

Estrogen is believed to have a protective effect on the heart. When levels drop during menopause, this protection diminishes, potentially affecting heart function and overall cardiovascular health. This hormonal change can lead to various heart-related symptoms, including an increased risk of developing heart disease.

Apart from hormonal changes, other risk factors can influence heart health during menopause. These include aging, genetic predisposition, and lifestyle factors like diet, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. 

Johannah Gregg, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Hormone Therapy Specialist, notes that women can also experience changes in other health indicators, like increased blood pressure, decline of thyroid function, and changes in cholesterol levels. 

These factors, combined with the hormonal changes of the menopause transition, can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, underscoring the importance of heart health management during this phase of life.

What are heart palpitations?

Heart palpitations are sensations that the heart is beating too hard, too fast, skipping a beat, or fluttering. These phenomena can be felt in the chest, throat, or neck. They can occur at any time, even while an individual is at rest, and may be accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, or fainting. 

It's important to note that while heart palpitations can feel unsettling, they're typically harmless. However, if palpitations are associated with significant discomfort, or if they're a new symptom, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any serious heart conditions.

Menopause and Heart Palpitations

As previously mentioned, menopause triggers numerous hormonal changes, notably fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels. These hormones are known to affect the autonomic nervous system, which controls the heart rate and rhythm. This is one reason why many women experience heart palpitations during the menopausal transition.

Hot flashes, another common symptom of menopause, can also be associated with heart palpitations. A hot flash is a sudden sensation of heat in the upper body, which can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat. Other menopause-related symptoms, like mood swings and night sweats, might indirectly lead to palpitations due to increased stress or anxiety.

When to Seek Medical Attention for Heart Palpitations

Although most heart palpitations in menopausal women are harmless, they can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying heart condition. If heart palpitations are accompanied by shortness of breath, fainting, severe chest pain, or a rapid or irregular heartbeat that persists, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. These could be signs of arrhythmia or other serious heart conditions. Additionally, if the palpitations are frequent or change in pattern, it's also prudent to consult a healthcare provider.

Managing Heart Palpitations During Menopause

As has been established, heart palpitations are a common symptom of menopause that can feel unsettling but are usually harmless. That being said, there are several strategies that can help manage heart palpitations during menopause.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle plays a significant role in overall health, including heart health. During menopause, certain lifestyle changes can help manage the frequency and intensity of heart palpitations.

Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall wellness and can also help manage menopausal symptoms. Eating a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can have a positive impact on heart health. C-FNP Johannah Gregg also recommends reducing caffeine and sugary drink intake. Additionally, consuming foods rich in calcium and magnesium, such as leafy green vegetables and nuts, can help regulate heart rhythm and potentially reduce palpitations.

Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight and lower blood pressure, as well as strengthening the heart muscle. Regular, moderate, aerobic exercise, like walking, swimming, or cycling, can help manage menopausal symptoms, including heart palpitations.

Limiting Stimulant Intake

Stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can trigger heart palpitations. It may be wise to reduce the intake of these substances or avoid them altogether, particularly if there is a noticeable correlation between consumption and palpitations. This change alone can sometimes significantly reduce the frequency of heart palpitations.

Stress Management

Relaxation techniques like mindfulness, meditation, deep-breathing exercises, and yoga can help manage stress levels, potentially reducing the occurrence of menopause heart palpitations.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

For some women, heart palpitations and other menopausal symptoms are more severe and can greatly impact quality of life. In such cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might be a helpful intervention.

HRT involves taking medication containing estrogen and progesterone to balance hormone levels. This can help reduce the frequency of hot flashes and night sweats, both of which can trigger heart palpitations.

However, HRT isn't suitable for everyone. For example, it may not be recommended for women with pre-existing heart disease, a history of breast cancer, or a history of blood clots. Side effects can also occur, so it's essential to discuss the benefits and risks with a healthcare provider.


Certain dietary supplements can also aid in managing menopausal symptoms, including heart palpitations. Calcium and magnesium, for instance, are known to help regulate heart rhythm. Some women find that taking these supplements can reduce the frequency of palpitations.

Medical Check-Ups and Consultation

Regular consultations with a primary healthcare provider ensure that any changes in health are monitored, and appropriate interventions are made promptly.

In addition to offering advice and treatment for heart palpitations, a healthcare provider can provide overall health checks and preventive care to maintain good health during menopause and beyond. This might include routine blood pressure checks, cholesterol level checks, and other cardiovascular disease screenings.

The Long-Term Impact on Heart Health

While heart palpitations are usually not harmful, the hormonal changes during menopause can have a long-term impact on a heart health. Lower levels of estrogen can lead to stiffening of the arteries and the development of plaque, both of which can increase the risk of heart disease. 

These changes, along with lifestyle factors and genetic predisposition, can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol, two significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it's important for women to maintain regular check-ups with their healthcare providers to monitor their heart health throughout the menopause transition and beyond.


Experiencing heart palpitations can be alarming, but it's important to remember that they're a common symptom of menopause and usually not a sign of a serious problem. However, they can serve as a reminder of the importance of paying attention to heart health during this important transition. With the right lifestyle changes and medical interventions as necessary, women can navigate menopause with confidence and protect their long-term health and wellness. 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.