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14 Signs That Menopause Is Coming to an End

Johannah Gregg
Medically Reviewed byJohannah GreggDNP FNP-C
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A significant phase in every woman's life, the menopause transition, encapsulates a multitude of changes, both physiological and psychological. This transition comprises three stages: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. 

During this period, women may experience symptoms ranging from hot flashes and mood swings to irregularity in menstrual cycles. Understanding these stages and their accompanying symptoms can foster better management of the transition and support health and wellness.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a natural biological process that signifies the end of a woman's reproductive years. It is defined as the time when the ovaries slow the production of hormones and menstruation ceases.

Throughout the reproductive years, the menstrual cycle, driven by the ovaries' production and release of estrogen and progesterone, enables ovulation and menstruation. The fluctuation of these hormones is critical for reproductive health and also has broad systemic impacts, influencing everything from mood to bone density.

Menopause is officially identified when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. The timing of this may vary between individuals, and it’s often preceded by irregular periods.

Stages of the Menopause Transition

The menopause transition is not a single event but a journey marked by three stages, each with its unique characteristics.

  • Perimenopause is the first stage, often characterized by changes in the length of time between periods and varying menstrual flow. It can last for several years and tends to be accompanied by symptoms like hot flashes, sleep problems, and mood changes due to fluctuating hormone levels.

  • Menopause is the second stage, a point in time defined retrospectively after a woman has gone 12 months without a menstrual period. At this stage, the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and producing most of their estrogen.

  • Postmenopause is the third and final stage, commencing after the threshold of menopause. The body continues adjusting to the lower levels of hormones, and for many women, most of the uncomfortable symptoms of the previous stage usually ease at this time.

Understanding the stages of this transition is the first step towards effectively managing symptoms and ensuring optimal health during this time and beyond.

14 Signs That Menopause Is Coming to an End

While the symptoms experienced during the menopause transition can be challenging, most women find that they begin to lessen or even disappear as they enter the postmenopausal stage. Here are 14 signs that suggest the end of menopause is approaching.

1. Absence of Menstrual Periods for 12 Consecutive Months

This signifies that the ovaries have ceased their release of eggs, effectively marking the end of the reproductive years. 

This cessation of menstruation is a significant milestone, transitioning a woman into the postmenopausal stage. It thus begins a new phase of life that comes with its own unique health considerations.

2. Diminishing Intensity of Hot Flashes

Hot flashes, a common symptom of perimenopause and menopause, are known to decrease in both frequency and intensity as a woman transitions into the postmenopausal phase. These sudden, temporary increases in body temperature can be uncomfortable and disruptive.

However, while the diminishing trend of hot flashes is common, each woman's experience is unique, and some women may continue to experience occasional hot flashes even after they've reached postmenopause. Thus, understanding and managing these persistent symptoms remains crucial for maintaining comfort and wellness.

3. Decrease in Night Sweats

Night sweats, similar to hot flashes, are a common symptom during the menopause transition and often diminish in frequency and intensity once this phase is complete. These episodes of excessive night-time sweating can disrupt sleep patterns and cause daytime fatigue, impacting quality of life. 

The reduction in night sweats as a woman transitions into the postmenopausal phase can lead to significant improvements in sleep quality and, by extension, energy and overall health.

4. Improvement in Sleep Problems

The fluctuating hormone levels during this transition can interfere with the body's sleep cycles, leading to insomnia or disturbed sleep. 

However, as a woman transitions into postmenopause, these other symptoms often reduce in severity and frequency. This, coupled with more stable hormone levels, can lead to a significant improvement in sleep quality.

5. Stabilization of Mood Swings

Mood swings are driven by the hormonal changes that occur during the menopause transition. As hormone levels stabilize post-menopause, these dramatic mood shifts often become less frequent and less intense, leading to a greater sense of emotional stability. This improved emotional control can contribute significantly to overall well-being, positively impacting personal relationships and everyday life.

6. Less Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

The menopause transition can often bring an increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) due to physiological changes in urinary tissues. This increased susceptibility is typically related to lower estrogen levels, which can affect the urinary tract's health and function. 

However, as a woman moves into the postmenopausal phase, this risk can decrease, potentially resulting in fewer UTIs. This reduction can lead to an improvement in both urinary health and overall quality of life.

7. Stabilization of Weight

Weight gain due to hormonal changes and fluctuations can be a challenging aspect of the menopause transition. These changes can affect metabolism and the way the body stores fat, often leading to an increase in weight. 

However, postmenopause often sees a stabilization of these hormonal fluctuations, which, coupled with a healthy diet and exercise, can make weight maintenance easier.

8. Decreased Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a common symptom during the menopause transition due to decreased estrogen levels, causing discomfort and often affecting sexual health. However, once a woman has transitioned into postmenopause and hormone levels have stabilized, the severity of vaginal dryness often lessens. 

This improvement can contribute to a greater sense of comfort and well-being, improving sexual health and the overall quality of life during the postmenopausal phase. As vaginal dryness slowly improves, many postmenopausal women find relief in using lubricants during sexual intimacy.

9. Reduced Hair Loss

Hair loss or thinning, a distressing symptom associated with the menopause transition, can be linked to hormonal changes, specifically the drop in estrogen levels. This decline can affect the hair growth cycle, resulting in hair changes. 

However, once the transition to postmenopause occurs and hormone levels stabilize, the rate of hair loss often decreases. This reduction can contribute to a renewed sense of self-confidence and overall well-being for many women in the postmenopausal phase.

10. Decrease in Vaginal Discomfort

Symptoms like vaginal irritation, burning, and itching are often due to a decline in estrogen levels, which affect the health and function of the vaginal tissue, potentially even causing vaginal atrophy. 

However, by the end of menopause, estrogen levels tend to stabilize, even if at a lower level, and the body often adjusts to this new hormonal environment. As a result, vaginal discomfort may decrease in frequency or severity, indicating the onset of the postmenopausal stage. 

It's important to note that each woman's experience can vary, and some might still require ongoing management for these symptoms. Many women who experience vaginal discomfort or urinary incontinence 12 months after their last period should see a healthcare provider to ensure there is not a separate medical condition behind the symptoms.

11. Diminishing Breast Tenderness

As hormone levels stabilize post-menopause, this symptom often decreases in intensity. The reduction in breast tenderness adds to the overall reduction in discomfort, contributing to an improved sense of physical well-being in the postmenopausal phase.

12. Reduction in Joint and Muscle Pain

Joint and muscle pain, linked to hormonal changes during the menopause transition, can often be debilitating. However, as a woman moves into the postmenopausal phase, this often decreases in intensity, allowing for more comfortable physical activity and better quality of life.

13. Improvement in Memory Lapses

Memory lapses or brain fog often characterize the menopause transition, affecting cognitive function and potentially impacting daily life. These lapses are thought to be linked to fluctuating hormone levels, particularly estrogen. 

However, as hormone levels stabilize post-menopause, these memory issues often improve, leading to enhanced cognitive function. This improvement can positively affect productivity and overall mental well-being.

14. Less Itchy, Dry Skin

Dry and itchy skin, linked to decreased estrogen levels, is a common complaint during the menopause transition. These skin changes can affect comfort levels and self-esteem. 

However, as a woman moves into postmenopause and hormone levels become more stable, these skin symptoms often improve.

How to Manage in Postmenopause

Transitioning into the postmenopausal stage doesn't mean the end of attention to personal health. In fact, it can be a crucial time to establish routines and interventions that ensure ongoing wellness. 

The decline in estrogen levels after menopause can lead to an increased risk for certain health conditions. As such, it becomes paramount to employ the following kinds of strategies for preventive healthcare:

Routine Healthcare Checks

Regular check-ups with healthcare providers can help monitor bone density and cardiovascular health. Both osteoporosis and heart disease are conditions that women become more susceptible to post-menopause due to decreased estrogen levels.

Healthy Diet and Exercise

Maintaining a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can help prevent bone loss. Regular exercise, particularly weight-bearing exercises, can also strengthen bones and help maintain a healthy weight.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Postmenopausal women might consider hormone replacement therapy as a strategy for managing symptoms that persist even after menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy involves supplementing and replacing the declining hormones the body no longer produces in optimal levels.

Lifestyle Changes

Healthy lifestyle choices like quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, and managing stress can significantly improve overall health and wellness during postmenopause.

Understanding Hormone Replacement Therapy

This therapy primarily involves the use of bioidentical hormones, or hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the body. Bioidentical HRT has been found to effectively manage perimenopause symptoms such as hot flashes, mood changes, and vaginal dryness.

In comparison to synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones fit the body's receptors perfectly, ensuring greater biological compatibility and efficiency. Bioidentical hormones used in HRT include estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA, a hormone precursor that breaks down into testosterone and estrogen in the body.

Bioidentical hormones can be administered in the form of creams, patches, pills, injections, and suppositories. Although pills and injections are among the most common forms of HRT used in patient treatment, transdermal delivery methods like creams and patches offer a much easier and less invasive treatment experience.

The use of HRT, particularly the use of bioidentical hormones, can significantly improve the quality of life during the postmenopausal stage. As always, any decisions around therapy should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare provider, taking into account family history and medical history.


Menopause is a significant stage in a woman's life, and the signs that it's coming to an end can be a welcome relief for many. The transition heralds a new phase where postmenopausal women can focus on supporting their long-term health and managing the lingering effects of menopause.

With options like bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, postmenopausal women have access to effective strategies to manage symptoms and maintain their quality of life. As with any health decision, it's always important to consult with a healthcare provider to make the choices best suited to individual needs. Embracing the postmenopausal phase can pave the way for a better-informed and healthier life ahead.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.