A poor night’s sleep can make for a cranky day. Add lack of good sleep to other symptoms like hot flashes and mood changes, and menopause can become unbearable. Sleep deprivation is caused by major hormonal, physical, emotional, and psychological ...
Menopause and Sleep
A poor night’s sleep can make for a cranky day. Add lack of good sleep to other symptoms like hot flashes and mood changes, and menopause can become unbearable. Sleep deprivation is caused by major hormonal, physical, emotional, and psychological changes in the body, and symptoms like night sweats and insomnia are not uncommon as your body undergoes these changes.
The benefits of ample, restful sleep cannot be overstated. Just like eating a balanced, nutritious diet and exercising, having a good sleep routine is important in maintaining holistic health.
Read on and learn about how menopause and changing hormones can affect your good night's rest.
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