Julie started to notice severe tiredness crashing over her like waves. She thought it was just a prolonged bout of exhaustion, but it kept coming back. She slowly became more reclusive and struggled to leave the house; even completing simple household chores seemed impossible. She felt defeated by fatigue and hot flashes.
When her doctor brushed it off as a “normal” part of life, she questioned if she’d ever feel like her energetic self again. But after struggling with her symptoms for nearly a year, Julie knew she had to find answers…
The Status Quo of Menopause
“It’s really worth it.”
After her unsatisfying doctor’s visit, Julie took matters into her own hands. She found Winona - and more importantly - the relief she deserves.
What are bioidentical hormones?
HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is a treatment to increase your levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that decline with age. The decline and fluctuation of hormones is what causes uncomfortable menopause symptoms, like hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia, and more.
At Winona, we only use bioidentical hormones that are identical in molecular structure to those made organically in your body. This makes it a physiologically natural way to find relief from menopausal symptoms, unlike other methods of HRT that were used decades ago.
A 2021 study conducted with 1,039 women aged 40-65 across the United States found that:
73% of women were not currently treating their menopause symptoms.
29% of women never sought information about menopause, before they experienced it.
20% of women experienced symptoms for a year or more, before being assessed.
Old Thoughts & New Research on HRT
Many misconceptions have impacted the use of HRT treatments, preventing women from getting holistic relief from their menopause symptoms. Women have been told to stay away from HRT, but years of advancement and research have shown different conclusions.
The original Women’s Health Initiative study, which ran from 1991-2005, suggested a link between HRT and cancer. However, since being released, the researchers have worked hard to clarify that their summaries about HRT were indeed flawed. This study used a treatment known as Premarin – an estrogen-only treatment, derived from horses. While humans produce three types of estrogens (estradiol, estriol, and estrone), horses produce over 21 types. This means that a woman taking Premarin receives a combination of all 21 types of estrogens, including 18 that are not produced by the human body. In contrast, bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to those already made in your body; this means replenishing hormones with bioidentical HRT is as close to your body’s natural process as possible.
Similarly to studies on cancer, HRT was previously not recommended for women with fibroids. However, more up-to-date research is finding that, while it does increase the volume of fibroids, this tapers off over time. Another 2021 study found that, while HRT is safe for women with uterine fibroids, it’s recommended that patients with large fibroids have regular follow-ups with their doctor to assess any changes over time.
In short, the bioidentical hormones used today are vastly different from those used in prior studies from the 90s and early 2000s. Understanding the history of HRT can help you feel empowered about making a health decision that’s right for you. This leads us to the amazing benefits of bioidentical hormones.
5 Benefits of Bioidentical HRT
You no longer have to settle for uncomfortable symptoms. Here are 5 ways bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you feel like your best self:
1. Mimics your body’s own hormones
Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to those made organically in your body. This makes it a physiologically natural way to find relief from menopausal symptoms, while also decreasing the incidence of side effects.
2. Lessens hot flashes and night sweats
The leading cause of hot flashes and night sweats is reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone. Bioidentical HRT can help bring your hormones back into balance to support a no-sweat lifestyle.
3. Boosts mood, energy, and sex drive
Estrogen helps control cortisol – the stress hormone. But when estrogen levels decrease during menopause, this can increase your stress response, leading to fatigue, vaginal dryness, pain during sex, and more. Bioidentical HRT can help restore your hormone levels, so you feel balanced, energized, and in the mood.
4. Improves hair, skin, and nails
Lowered hormone levels and decreased collagen production can lead to hair loss, brittle nails, and less elasticity in the skin. Bioidentical hormones can help support the production of proteins in the body, like collagen, for an overall healthy glow.
5. Decreases visceral fat and increases muscle mass
While commonly considered a male hormone, testosterone is important for the female body, and it also decreases during menopause. Testosterone helps support overall energy, muscle building, and fat burning. This means bioidentical HRT, in combination with exercise and a healthy lifestyle, can help promote lean muscle building and reduce visceral fat (aka belly fat).
Discover your best self
For more up-to-date information on the latest menopause research, take a look at the Winona Medical Journal.
Or start your Winona journey today, to discover if our bioidentical treatments are right for you.
Who is Winona?
Winona is a science-backed telehealth company focused on empowering women to make the second half of life even better than the first. Our physicians specialize in regenerative menopause treatments, and we run our own compounding pharmacies, to ensure the quality of our medications. Our team is passionate about giving women a place to be heard and prescribed a personalized, bioidentical care plan, based on their unique needs.