Good News: 
You’re Not Going Crazy.
It’s Menopause.
And It’s Treatable. 

Take control of your menopause symptoms with doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) delivered to your door. 

Middle-age Woman

As featured in:

Take Back Your Life. With The Help Of Doctors Who Understand What You’re Going Through.

Middle-aged Woman

Did the symptoms of menopause sneak up on you? It happens to so many women. 

The brain fog, the night sweats, the increased anxiety, the decreased interest in sex.  
At first, you blame it on life stress – work, family, finances.
You’ve got a lot on your plate; it’s no wonder you’re feeling “off.” 
Plus, you’re getting older.  So, of course, you’re a little more tired?  A little more forgetful?
But as time passes and those “occasional” symptoms become your everyday life with: 

  • Hot flashes & night sweats

  • Weight gain (especially around the belly) 

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety & depression 

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Brain fog & memory loss

  • Painful sex & loss of libido 

  • Difficulty sleeping

… And so much more! 

You find yourself wondering:

“Will I EVER feel like myself again?”

No More Gaslighting. No More Fighting With Doctors. No More Suffering Alone.

Woman talking to a Doctor

Maybe you’ve already approached your primary care physician or OB-GYN to discuss your menopause symptoms…

… And been dismissed. 

Unfortunately, it’s common for women to feel patronized by their doctors – told to “tough it out” because “it’s a natural part of aging.” 
As a society, we have a high tolerance for women’s suffering. 
And sadly, menopause education is still shamefully lacking in medical schools. 
A 2019 Mayo Clinic survey found that 58% of medical residents had received only ONE lecture on menopause, and 20% had received no menopause training at all.
Plus, worse, an embarrassing number of doctors are biased AGAINST hormone replacement therapy due to a single flawed 2002 study…

… A study that has been disproven and debunked by DOZENS of studies since then, clearly showing the overwhelmingly positive health benefits women can experience on HRT.
That’s why we’re excited you’re here! 

Relief Is Just One Message Away
Thanks to telehealth with Winona

Doctor on phone

Times are changing. 

Once shrouded in shame and secrecy, women are now educating themselves about menopause and hormone replacement therapy.

(Sometimes learning faster than their GPs!) 
And they’re discovering relief is available.

Taking control of their menopause symptoms with doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) delivered to their door. 

Introducing Winona:

Hormone Replacement Therapy. Prescribed By Doctors. Customized To YOUR Body, Your Needs. Delivered To Your Door. With Unlimited Followup Care.

Doctor on laptop

Imagine looking forward to your next doctor’s appointment! 

Here at Winona, we’re committed to taking the CONFUSION, SHAME, and HOPELESSNESS out of menopause – by helping women like you feel seen and heard…
… And get the symptom relief you deserve! 

In the form of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) customized to your body’s unique needs and delivered to your door.
We’re a telehealth company:

  • Made up of US board-certified physicians who are passionate about women’s healthcare.

  • Up-to-date on all the very latest science regarding menopause treatment.

  • Conveniently located 100% online, we meet you where you are by phone. 

We take you, your questions, and your symptoms SERIOUSLY!
And we’ll work together with you to decide if hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the right solution for you – making sure you understand any risks unique to YOUR health…

… As well as the potential benefits.
So you feel empowered to make an informed decision.

Reclaiming Your Life, Made Easy!  Starting With A 2-Minute Quiz…

Here’s the great news.  

We make deciding if hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is right for YOU 1-2-3 easy…


Take Our “Get To Know You” Quiz

No more symptom denial or gaslighting.

Your experience is real. You’re not alone. So let’s talk about it. 

Start by taking our 2-minute quiz that asks questions about your basic health and the results you’re looking for.

All within our secure platform.

Pre-screening questions help us decide early if there are any obvious reasons you might NOT be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy.

Because you deserve to make informed decisions!


Our Doctors Message You (FREE)

Once you’ve completed the initial screening quiz, one of our doctors specializing in menopausal healthcare will message you.

During this FREE consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your symptoms, concerns, and goals.  

Your doctor will answer all of your questions. 

And together, you’ll decide if hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a good choice 
for you.

Woman looking at phone

Together, We Decide On A Treatment Plan

If hormone replacement therapy (HRT) sounds right for you, the next step is choosing a treatment plan.

Your doctor will make recommendations.

Likely suggesting an appropriate combination of:

Estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA.

… In dosing that suits your health profile and symptom severity.

(You might need one, two, or all three.) 

And together, you’ll also discuss treatment delivery via cream, oral pills, or patches. 

Woman talking to a Doctor

We Ship Your Prescription To Your Door

Once your doctor has finalized your treatment plan, it’s passed to our compounding pharmacies…

… Where we formulate your prescription–specifically for you! 

And ship it directly to your door.
(Shipping is FREE, too!)

No pharmacy visit required! 

And you can typically expect to receive your first month of treatment within 3-10 days of connecting with your doctor.


We Keep In Touch – To Make Sure You’re Getting The Results You Expect!

Even once you’ve started treatment… 

… We’ll keep in touch! 

We want you to feel 100% satisfied with the results you’re experiencing.  

That’s why we provide free, unlimited follow-ups with your doctor.

So we can tweak and adjust your hormone replacement therapy until “feeling better” turns into “feeling your best.”

Woman smiling holding a phone

We Support You With Community, So You’re Never Alone.

Say goodbye to the secrecy and shame typically associated with menopause.

And let’s change the narrative by sharing our stories. 

Menopause marks a significant life transition that almost every woman will navigate.
According to the Mayo Clinic, over 6,000 women reach menopause every single day in
the United States…

… That’s over 2 MILLION women per year!

That’s why, as a crucial component of your treatment plan, we connect you with a supportive community of women.

You’ll receive an invitation to join our private Facebook Group…

… Where we shine a light on the symptoms and life experiences of women going through menopause. 

Smiling Doctor

And you'll be invited to attend FREE Live Q&A webinars where you can ask questions and get answers from our team of board-certified women's healthcare specialists.

Because it's 2024. There's no reason you should do it alone.

Ready To Get Started?
And Find Out If Hormone Replacement
Therapy Is Right For You?

Start the free quiz

Here at Winona, we put you in the driver's seat!

It's your wellness, on your schedule.

No appointments to make. No travel. No waiting rooms.

Just take the quiz and start the conversation.

Your body is changing - your self-care should, too.

Feel Like Yourself Again. The Right Care Is Life changing.

Just listen to what other Winona patients have to say: 

Will It Help My Hot Flashes?  Give Me Back My Sex Drive?  Will I Lose Weight?

Female models

For 80% Of Women, Yes!

There’s no “cure” for menopause.  It’s a natural life transition all women will go through. 

However, the GREAT NEWS is that: An encouraging 80% of women who commit to 90 days of hormone replacement therapy experience COMPLETE RELIEF from menopause symptoms!

Which can include: 

  • Anxiety

  • Body Odor

  • Brain Fog

  • Cramps

  • Depression

  • Dry Skin

  • Fatigue

  • Frequent UTIs

  • Hair Loss

  • Painful Breasts

  • Painful Sex

  • Poor Memory

  • Skin Dryness

  • Hot Flashes

  • Incontinence

  • Joint Pain

  • Low Libido

  • Mood Swings

  • Muscle Loss

  • Nausea

  • Night Sweats

  • Osteoporosis

  • Hormonal Acne

  • Sleep Issues

  • Vaginal Dryness

  • Weight Gain

Just remember…

… To maintain the results, you will need to continue therapy.

While you can cancel and stop your hormone replacement therapy at any time, doctors note that discontinuing treatment puts you at risk of symptoms returning.

So just be sure to consult with your doctor before discontinuing treatment!  

Do I Need Estrogen? Progesterone?  DHEA?  All Three? 

Middle-aged Woman thinking

You’re asking important questions! 

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replenishes levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that decline and fluctuate with age.

You might only need a boost of estrogen.  But many women require a combination of estrogen and progesterone.  And some will need all three – estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA (to boost testosterone).

Your doctor will make recommendations based on your health profile and symptoms. 

And you can decide together. 

But Are Bioidentical Hormones Really Safe? 

Bioidentical Hormones

Generally speaking, YES!  

Since the 1970s, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been widely considered the most effective treatment for symptoms of menopause. 

And today, thousands of women successfully use Winona’s therapies to treat menopause symptoms and reclaim their lives without any harmful side effects!

However, no prescription or treatment is right for everyone.

That’s why, after completing the initial 2-minute quiz, you’ll connect with one of our board-certified doctors who specialize in women’s healthcare. 

Together, you’ll decide if HRT is a good choice for you.

Your doctor will review your unique health profile and symptoms.

And discuss any risks that might be relevant to you. 

How Is The Treatment Delivered? Pills, Patches, or Creams…

Winona Products

You might be surprised to learn…

Your hormone levels vary greatly, not just daily – but hourly! 

That’s why blood tests for hormone levels are not helpful for prescribing treatment.

Because they’re a momentary snapshot!

Here at Winona, we look at your overall health profile and prioritize understanding the complete list of symptoms that you’re experiencing! 

Because these are the valuable insights your doctor needs to determine an initial treatment plan for you.

And then – we offer unlimited doctor follow-ups. 

So we can tweak and adjust your dosing until “feeling better” turns into “feeling your best.”

Will I Need Bloodwork Done? Or Any Other Tests? 

Blood test

We offer them all: Pills, patches, creams, and, when appropriate, vaginal creams. 

Your doctor will discuss which form of HRT will best suit you based on your dosing needs and personal preferences: 

Some women prefer creams over pills.  Some women prefer the convenience of a longer-lasting patch.

Your doctor will help you decide what’s right for you! 

How Long Before I Can Expect To Feel The Results? 

Woman writing on calendar

Many women report feeling better within 3 to 7 days of starting treatment.

Physical symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep issues often improve quickly. (A welcome relief for many Winona clients!) 

Other symptoms like weight loss, brain fog, and low libido can take a little longer to regulate.  

However, within 3 months of starting treatment, 80% of Winona clients report experiencing complete relief from their symptoms. 

Expect steady improvement during the first 90 days.

And be patient with your body… 

… These symptoms likely developed over years. 
It takes a little time to start feeling like yourself again.

What’s Included With My Treatment? 

Woman holding a package

Your doctor will work with you to determine a hormone therapy treatment plan that suits your health profile and symptoms.

Plus, you’ll receive:

  • Unlimited follow-ups with your doctor.

  • FREE SHIPPING of your monthly prescription.

  • FREE 25-Day Journal: designed to help cultivate mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-care.

  • Meal Plan & Recipe Guide:  to help you navigate the dietary challenges of menopause. 

  • Facebook Group: empowering women to share their menopause stories and experiences to learn from each other. 

You've Got My Attention. But Is It Affordable?


The beauty of operating as a telehealth company is that we don't face the costs of running a physical clinic with a building, phone lines, waiting rooms, staff, doctors, etc.

We operate 100% online, remotely.

Which, as you can imagine, significantly reduces our operating costs.

And Winona is proud to pass these savings on to our clients…

With FREE doctor consultations…

And affordable prescriptions, prepared for you by our compounding pharmacies…

Shipped directly to your doorstep - for FREE!

Ready To Get Started?
And Find Out If Hormone Replacement
Therapy Is Right For You?

Start the free quiz

Here at Winona, we put you in the driver's seat!

It's your wellness, on your schedule.

No appointments to make. No travel. No waiting rooms.

Just take the quiz and start the conversation.

Your body is changing - your self-care should, too.

Get Back To Feeling Like Yourself Again.

The right care is life-changing. Just listen to what other Winona patients have to say:

Trustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot ReviewTrustpilot Review

Ready To Get Started?
And Find Out If Hormone Replacement
Therapy Is Right For You?

Our doctors are excited to meet you! They're standing by,
ready to help you feel your best.

Start the free quiz

Here at Winona, we put you in the driver's seat!

It's your wellness, on your schedule.

No appointments to make. No travel. No waiting rooms.

Just take the quiz and start the conversation.

Your body is changing - your self-care should, too.

Feeling great has never been so easy.

Our doctors are excited to meet you, and they are standing by to help you feel your best.

Start My Free Visit
  • Rx Treatments prescribed by licensed doctorsRx Treatments prescribed by licensed doctors
  • Made custom for your bodyMade custom for your body
  • Free shippingFree shipping
  • Pause or cancel anytimePause or cancel anytime
  • Free, unlimited follow-ups with a healthcare professionalFree, unlimited follow-ups with a healthcare professional

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