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Cyber Monday

40% offtreatments
for new patients

It’s the last day to shop our sale, so this Cyber Monday, why not splurge on yourself in a new way? We’re treating you to 40% off your first month with Winona – because you deserve to feel like your best self on your menopause journey. Trust us, with Winona, you’ll feel even more vibrant than you do post-shopping spree.

menopausal symptoms



Winona is a science-backed telehealth company, focused on supporting women on their menopause journey with HRT. Winona is unique, because we use plant-based, bioidentical hormones derived from yams. This makes it a physiologically natural way to find relief from menopausal symptoms.

Go with Winona, and feel like your best self this Cyber Monday.

Real women,
real results.
Bioidentical Treatments That Really Work
Estrogen Therapy

Estrogen Therapy

A powerful, base replacement therapy to assist in your overall wellness, with a focus on body, mood, mind, and sex.

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Progesterone Therapy

Progesterone Therapy

An assistive replacement therapy that may be recommended by your doctor alongside your estrogen treatment.

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An effective, combination therapy that gently boosts testosterone to help maintain healthy body weight, increase lean muscle, and improve libido.

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Have questions? We have answers.
  • Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replenishes the levels of hormones that your body is producing less and less of. The hormones that are decreasing and cause menopause are estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone also decreases dramatically.

  • HRT can replace the levels of these hormones to combat the symptoms of menopause and prevent the development of long-term diseases that occur due to hormone deficiencies. The goal of HRT is to help your body attain healthy, balanced hormone levels.

    All of the hormones in Winona treatments are plant based and derived from yams.

Winona’s medical professionals believe, based on scientific evidence, that HRT is worth taking for the right candidates. HRT is, without doubt, the most effective treatment for menopause symptoms

Tests for hormone levels are very inaccurate and therefore not helpful. The hormone levels vary greatly not just day to day but even throughout the day.

HRT is best adjusted based on symptoms. We will be checking in with you periodically to see how your symptoms are responding and recommend dose adjustments based on that.

The body is more sensitive than any laboratory test. The actual lab value isn't really important, what is important is how the body is responding. We are not interested in making the labs look good, we are interested in relieving symptoms. Every one is different in what level of hormones they tolerate without symptoms. The body tells us there is a problem by creating symptoms, that is what we are trying to fix.

Your Winona physician determines the proper treatment and dosage after you complete the medical intake process.

Your doctor can answer more specifically for you (as symptoms and intensity vary), but many women will start to notice relief from some symptoms within the first couple of weeks. Hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep issues usually get at least some relief early on. These do continue to improve with time.

However, for other symptoms such as weight loss and muscle gains, it can take up to 3-months, which is when studies show ~80% of women experience full relief. These are general patterns and everyone’s body responds uniquely to any given treatment.

The cream and the DHEA together works really well for weight loss and even more important fat loss with muscle gain.

You will see a redistribution of weight to lower your BMI and increase your lean muscle mass. There may be a temporary gain of water weight over the first week or two, but that quickly goes away and you start getting the desired weight loss.

You still need to eat right and exercise of course. Besides the direct metabolic effects, you should also sleep better with these medications. This also helps with weight loss by affecting cortisol and decreasing the food cravings we get when we are tired.

Don't expect to lose a lot of weight the first month, slow steady progress is what to expect, this does add up over time. The medications reverse metabolic effects of falling hormone levels. Like reversing a moving train, first, the weight gain needs to be reversed then weight loss can occur.

When thinking about menopause, many women just try to ‘get through it’ naturally. Their decisions are often based on the years of misinformation about the risks mistakenly associated with HRT. 

The reality is that there is nothing more ‘natural’ than replacing hormones you no longer produce with bioidentical hormones. The hormones are ‘micronized’ so they are better absorbed and utilized by your body and actually mimic what your body used to do before menopause.

Some private, or employer related insurance providers may pay for Winona, but it always depends on your insurance plan and deductible. You can pay for your prescription yourself and submit your receipts to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement.

You can use your HSA (Health Saving Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) to pay for Winona prescriptions at checkout.

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