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Triggers for Hot Flashes and How to Prevent Them

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Dr. Michael Green
Medically Reviewed byDr. Michael GreenMD, OB/GYN Chief Medical OfficerRead Bio
Written ByWinona Editorial Team

Hot flashes are a very common symptom of menopause - 85% of women experience them. Also called hot flushes or night sweats, they can be severe enough to significantly affect a woman’s quality of life. For some women, hot flashes seem to come about randomly, but for others, there are hot flash triggers that make them occur more frequently. If you can identify what induces your hot flashes, you can reduce their occurrence by avoiding those triggers. This article will explore hot flashes and common triggers and discuss what can be done to help you regain control.

When women enter menopause, the ovaries begin to shut down. Since the ovaries are the main producer of estrogen and progesterone, hormone production decreases as the ovaries become less active. The decreasing hormone levels act on an area of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is responsible for temperature regulation of the body; think of it as the body’s thermostat. When hormones decrease, the hypothalamus becomes erratic in its job of regulating temperature, and this erratic behavior causes hot flashes.

Menopause symptoms experience chart

Each woman experiences hot flashes differently, but there are some common themes. They usually begin with a warm sensation spreading through the chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and face. They can be accompanied by a red, splotchy appearance on the skin of the affected areas. Sweating is common, and the heart rate will often accelerate during a hot flash. As the hot flash concludes, many women experience chills. On average, hot flashes last for a minute or two, but for some women, they can last as long as 10 minutes. Even though there is a sensation of being hot, the actual body temperature does not generally rise above normal in most women. 

Hot flashes are not dangerous, but they can lead to other problems. Women that experience hot flashes while sleeping, (night sweats), can have significant sleep disturbances. Poor sleep can lead to trouble concentrating during the day, irritability, and even depression. Daytime hot flashes can interrupt work and recreation, leading to decreased productivity, embarrassment, and even social isolation. The sweating that often accompanies hot flashes can be difficult to manage, leading to stained clothing and further embarrassment. For these reasons, and many others, hot flashes are worth addressing by avoiding triggers and using medication. Winona has a full range of medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, that can be used to help eliminate hot flashes.

Common Triggers and How To Prevent Them

Exhausted woman facing in front of a stand fan - triggers for hot flashes

Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, high temperatures, stress and anxiety, smoking, and obesity are all common triggers for hot flashes. Some women find it helpful to keep a journal to track hot flashes and potential triggers. Journaling may help you identify patterns and conditions that accompany or cause your hot flashes. Finding specific triggers will help you know what to avoid.

  • Caffeine can cause constriction of blood vessels. In some women, this signals to the brain to widen these blood vessels to counteract the caffeine’s effect. If the widening of the blood vessels is an overcorrection, it can lead to a hot flash. For caffeine drinkers that experience significant hot flashes, it might be worth cutting back or eliminating caffeine intake.

  • Alcohol can affect the temperature regulation system in the brain in the same way as decreasing hormone levels during menopause. This means, even people not experiencing menopause can have alcohol-induced hot flashes! Alcohol may increase hot flashes in some menopausal women, so decreasing alcohol intake may help decrease their frequency and severity.

  • Spicy foods can send signals to the brain that the body is hot. This can lead to a hot flash, as the brain reacts to this false input. For some women, avoiding spicy foods can decrease hot flashes.

  • Hot temperatures, either from warm weather or dressing too warmly for the current weather, can trigger hot flashes in some women. Hot flashes are an overreaction to attempts to cool the body. One strategy to reduce hot flashes is to dress in layers. This will make it convenient to change clothes with changing weather conditions and avoid overheating.

woman relaxing on the tub - triggers for hot flashes
  • Stress and anxiety can cause increases in certain hormones, including norepinephrine and serotonin, that exacerbate the problems with thermoregulation that occur with menopause. Practicing mindful meditation and focused breathing techniques can help reduce stress and decrease hot flashes.

  • Smoking can not only cause more and worse hot flashes, but it can also contribute to earlier menopause. This is thought to be due to the anti-estrogen properties of nicotine. Decreasing hot flashes is just one of many reasons to quit smoking.

  • Obesity is related to more frequent and more severe hot flashes in some women. Studies have shown that hot flash severity and frequency increase as weight increases. This is thought to be due to the heat insulation found in larger women. Studies have shown that even a 10% decrease in weight can lead to a large health benefit for obese women.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

HRT remains the most effective treatment for menopausal hot flashes. Recognizing and avoiding triggers can be of great benefit, both for women that are not candidates for hormone therapy and in conjunction with hormone therapy. 

For women who are not candidates for HRT, or for those who prefer a holistic approach, there are some natural remedies for hot flashes that can help women deal with their discomfort. A simple switch in diet, or even a lifestyle change, is also shown to have an immense impact on the treatment of hot flashes. Some of the lifestyle changes that can help reduce hot flashes are easier to implement than others, but knowing that these lifestyle changes offer additional health benefits may provide the extra motivation required to implement them.

Lifestyle changes

  • Identify and try to reduce unnecessary stress. Being conscious about stress can bring relief as well as the practice of deep breathing exercises in the morning and evening

  • Lower the temperature in rooms/offices, or open windows

  • Dress in layers, so that you can remove clothing as needed

  • Use fans

  • Carry wet wipes to cool the back of your neck when you feel a flash coming on

  • Weight loss can be helpful since women who are overweight tend to have more trouble with hot flashes

  • Quit smoking - smokers tend to experience more hot flashes

  • Exercise! Women who are sedentary suffer more from hot flashes, but make sure to exercise in a cool environment

  • Wearing socks to bed may be helpful because it helps to cool the core body temperature

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing made of cotton to help absorb perspiration

  • Use lightweight blankets that can be removed if hot flashes wake you up

There are various triggers for hot flashes, and no two women will respond exactly the same. At Winona, we believe in an individualized, tailored approach to treating symptoms of menopause. Knowing and avoiding your triggers is one important part of relieving hot flashes. There are also supplements and medications—both prescription and over-the-counter—that can safely treat hot flashes and greatly improve the quality of life for those suffering. Let our women’s health care specialists work with you to find the ideal solution to help with your menopausal symptoms.

“This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.”


Faubion, Stephanie S. “Caffeine and menopausal symptoms: what is the association?” Menopause, vol. 22, no. 2, 2015, pp. 155-158.

Freedman, Robert R. “Menopausal hot flashes: Mechanisms, endocrinology, treatment.” The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 142, no. July, 2014, pp. 115-120.

Freeman, Ellen W. “The role of anxiety and hormonal changes in menopausal hot flashes.” Menopause, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 258-266.

Greendale, Gail A. “Lifestyle factors: are they related to vasomotor symptoms and do they modify the effectiveness or side effects of hormone therapy?” The American Journal of Medicine, vol. 118, no. 12, Supplement 2, 2005, pp. 148-154.

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